Teach or babysit in English with Nanny Agency

Réf. 2025117 | Publiée le 10/11/2017 par Eve Certhoux | Visiteurs : 0970
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  • Pays / Région
    France, Île-de-France, Paris
  • Temps de travail
  • Type de contrat

Nanny Agency is a multi-cultural team offering job opportunities in English in Paris.

We are recruiting for 2 types of part-time jobs:
• Babysitting children in English from 4 - 20 hours per week. You would be required to be available on week days from 4:00pm and/or on Wednesdays
• Tutoring to children and teenagers: private sessions in the evenings from 5pm

You should be from an English-speaking background and be interested in working with children in English and share your knowledge and culture.
Come and be part of our organization!

We will offer you:
• A free bank account with 50€ welcome bonus to be deposited into your account*
• Free French lessons
• A part-time position close to your home or university in or around Paris
• A stimulating job working with children
• A permanent part-time contract (CDII)
• Social security & “mutuelle”
• Reimbursement of up to 50% of your Navigo Pass
• Training provided for childcare
• A gross hourly salary between 10€ and 18€
*offer subject to conditions

Our requirements:
• Be a EU citizen or have valid documents to work in France
• For babysitters positions: previous experience with children
• For tutoring positions: previous experience in teaching
• Minimum stay of 3 months
• No minimum level of French needed
Join us!
Apply now: recruit@nannyagency.fr or www.lespetitsbilingues-jobs.com/apply
Please mention the following REF 1C-17NA-050

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Eve Certhoux
Re: Teach or babysit in English with Nanny Agency
Eve Certhoux professionnel inscrit le 27/08/2014
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